Saturday, November 7, 2009

Training Log - November 7th 2009

  • Run in snowshoes on grass/dirt - 1 mile
  • Run w/backpack - dragging car tire - 1 mile
  • Walking lunges - 30 reps
Today was only my 2nd time in snowshoes, ever, and my first time running in them. No snow on the trails yet, so I ran at a park in the grass. It's gonna take some time to get used to them. Also my first time running while dragging a tire, felt like about 2 times the normal effort of running. I'll start combining the 2 tasks (snowshoes/tire) soon. My goal for those who don't know, is to complete the March 6th PEAK Snowshoe Marathon (26+miles 7200ft vert) while dragging a tire.